Do you ever have a need to add your e-signature to an electronic document and wonder how to do it? Adding your e-signature to a PDF document using Acrobat Reader can be easier than you think. Acrobat Reader is a free download from and is widely used to open and view PDF documents.
E-signature stands for electronic signature. It is a digital form of your signature which can be added to an electronically transmitted document indicating your intent to agree or approve the contents of a document.
You might ask are e-signatures legal? The answer would be yes. E-signatures are legally binding in the United States.
There are two acts that established the legality of electronic signatures in the United States. The Uniform Electronic Transaction Act (UETA) was the first legislation adopted to address matters on digital signatures. Click here to learn more about UETA. Continue reading
Whether you use your computer for personal or business, nothing is more frustrating than not knowing where your files are when you need them! If your computer files need organization, you have to have a system to make it easier for you to retrieve files later. Continue reading
In this new generation of texting and instant messaging proper spelling and grammar has taken a backseat to need to respond at break neck speed. Ignoring correct spelling and grammar may be okay when communicating with friends, but it is not okay when communicating with clients or potential prospects to name a few. There is nothing more annoying than trying to decipher an email or text message filled with typos and grammatical errors.
“Your success and happiness lies in you. Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulties.” — Helen Keller