5 Tasks Your VA Can Do For You
Are you still trying to do everything yourself? Are post-it notes overtaking your desktop or your to-do list is getting longer by the day? I encourage you to track your daily activities for a week. Keep a running
list of everything you do. There are things that only you can do like talk to clients, create new products and services, networking events and personal appointments. However there are some things you can outsource and before you say “no, I have to do it myself” or “there’s no way someone else can do this” talk to a VA or a colleague who uses a VA. You will be surprised by what can be done virtually.
Here is a small list of tasks a VA can perform for you.
1. Schedule Appointments – Have a client who is a coach and does a lot of one-on-one coaching appointments. She use to try and schedule these herself but found it overwhelming and very time intensive going back and forth to find a time that was convenient for her and the client. Now she gives her available times to her VA and she works out the scheduling with her clients and puts their appointments on her calendar and follows up with appointment reminders.
2. Social Media & Blog Post Management – Your VA can setup your social media business page, create an editorial calendar, post your articles and status updates to your website and social media accounts.
3. Bookkeeping – Regularly update client Quickbooks files so they will know on a regular basis what their numbers are (income & expenses). Many small business owners find it challenging to keep up with the financial paperwork necessary to running a small business. A VA can help you set up an organized system so you will be ready at tax time and know your numbers on a regular basis. When you know your numbers you are less likely to leave money on the table by letting invoices go unpaid (loss of income) or spending on unnecessary purchases (expenses).
4. Email Marketing – Your VA can utilize Aweber, MailChimp or Constant Contact to setup ezine templates, segment lists, schedule broadcast to go out at specific times, setup autoresponders and templates.
5. Administrative Support – Your VA can type correspondence, mail brochures and flyers to clients, transcribe interviews and reports, format and type documents and reports, prepare PowerPoint presentations, data entry and database management.
Start your daily activity list today. Delegating some of those projects will allow you the time you need to do what you do best — working with your clients and generating revenue for your business.
Image courtesy of www.canstockphoto.com.