15 Common Terms Used in Email Marketing

Maria Elena

Maria Elena

When used correctly, email marketing can be a powerful tool, but this requires having the right knowledge. With the increased number of email users, thanks to mobile, it is increasingly important to understand the terms used in email marketing. There are hundreds of terms and tools used in email marketing, but below is a short list of some of the more commonly used terms.
A/B split testing: A method used to compare two or more unique elements to determine what offers and techniques your website visitors and subscribers respond to best.
Above the fold: The part of an email message or web page that is visible without scrolling. This section is preferable, because the reader sees it first. If you have a “free offer” or “join our mailing list” sign up form on your website, you will want it to be easily seen by visitors.
Autoresponder: A series of prewritten email messages scheduled to follow up with prospective customers at preset intervals.
Blacklist: A list of domains or IP addresses suspected or reported of sending spam. They are often used by companies to block incoming email from a particular server or IP address before it reaches your inbox.
Bounce: A message that doesn’t get delivered promptly and is sent back to the sender due to an invalid email address, full mailbox or problem with the recipient’s mail server.
Call to action: A marketing message that prompts a website visitor, client or prospective client to take a desired action.
Click tracking: Tracking a tagged link to determine how many times subscribers click on a link inside your newsletter or messages, or how many clicks resulted in a desired action such as a sale or subscription.
Conversion: The measure of an email marketing campaign based on the percentage of recipients who respond to a call to action in the campaign.
Email filter: A technique used to block email based on the content in the body of the email, subject line or sender. Most email service providers have filtering software installed that searches for keywords and other indicators that identify the email as spam.
Landing page: A standalone web page where someone is directed in order to prompt a certain action or result. They are often designed for a specific marketing campaign.
Open rate: The percentage of emails opened in the total number of emails sent in an email marketing campaign.
Opt-in (or Subscribe): To choose to receive email communications by giving your email address to a particular company or website, therefore giving them permission to email you. Two types of opt-ins are single or double opt-in. With single opt-in a message is sent to the subscriber acknowledging request. With double opt-in a confirmation message is sent to the subscriber requiring them to click a confirmation link.
Opt-out (or Unsubscribe): A request to remove an email address from a specific list because the recipient no longer wishes to receive emails from the company.
Spam or UCE (Unsolicited Commercial Email): Unwanted or unexpected email from a sender you have not opted-in or given permission to email to you.
Whitelist: An authorized list of email addresses, held by an Internet Service Provider which allows email messages to be delivered regardless of spam filters.


There are many terms used in email marketing. Understanding some of the common terms used will allow you to craft better email marketing campaigns with less effort and more results.


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